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Faced with crises and challenges, let’s dare to transform the social business model

Posted by aderjolibois Social Law26 January 2023
Faced with crises and challenges, let’s dare to transform the social business model
Faced with crises and challenges, let’s dare to transform the social business model In a constantly changing competitive environment, too many business strategies fail because they have not been able to articulate their organization with[…]

Prohibiting a style of hairdressing for men only can be discriminatory

Posted by aderjolibois Social Law7 December 2022
Prohibiting a style of hairdressing for men only can be discriminatory
Prohibiting a style of hairdressing for men only can be discriminatory A new example of gender equality in the workplace Focus on the judgment handed down on November 23, 2022 by the social chamber of[…]

The obligation of balanced representation of women and men at work

Posted by aderjolibois Social Law2 December 2022
The obligation of balanced representation of women and men at work
The obligation of balanced representation of women and men in the company The legislator has placed professional equality between men and women at the heart of the news in recent years under the prism of[…]

Sexist joke: a limit to freedom of speech?

Posted by aderjolibois Social Law18 November 2022
Sexist joke: a limit to freedom of speech?
Can a sexist joke constitute a limit on freedom of speech? Focus on the judgment delivered by the social chamber of the Court of Cassation on April 21, 2022: A sexist joke can constitute a[…]

Disagreement with your Boss: Free Speech or Not?

Posted by aderjolibois Social Law12 November 2022
Disagreement with your Boss: Free Speech or Not?
Can a disagreement with your hierarchical superior come under the right of expression? Focus on the judgment delivered by the social chamber of the Court of Cassation on September 21, 2022: Expressing disagreement with the[…]

Ader Jolibois: always keeping control & facilitating transformation

Posted by aderjolibois Social Law13 October 2022
Ader Jolibois: always keeping control & facilitating transformation
Always keeping control and facilitating transformation A true strategic partner and relying on proximity and the search for relationships of trust and transparency with its clients and partners, the ADER JOLIBOIS firm offers solutions that[…]